Still the best review for our Nifty-Lift miniature block and tackle..

Wranglerstar’s Nifty-Lift miniature block and tackle review still tops the charts with 2.6 million views and 2,880 comments. This is where it all started here on YouTube.   I am the  owner and inventor. Reach out to me with any questions you may have. Albert Peel

It’s Block and Tackle Christmas….!!!!!

It seems that many people have decided the Nifty-Lift makes a GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT.   The main application is snowmobilers wanting an insurance plan for getting unstuck. Of course NO ONE ever gets stuck, just momentarily delayed. 🙂 Two other groups that show a lot of interest in this small block and tackle pulley system, […]

It’s Turkey Eve and I’m working on Nifty-Lift Block and Tackle Pulley Systems

It seems that Nifty-Lift has taken over most of my life and for sure I don’t have much free time these days. This pulley system is beginning to catch on and the orders are coming on a steady basis that is challenging us to keep up. I’m not complaining just letting folks know so that […]

Overcoming The Problems Of Typical Rope Pulley Systems

The small, compact, lightweight, very strong, block and tackle rope pulley system called a Nifty-Lift has been a surprising success. I never had any idea how many people have a need for this rope pulley system that makes life easier. The number of uses is never ending. I’ve sold them to boat enthusiasts for pulling […]

Up coming events for team Nifty-Lift

We at team Nifty are trying some country fairs here in New England. We will be at the Deerfield Fair in Deerfield  New Hampshire September 27th through Sept.30. Then off to the Fryeburg Fair in Maine Sept,30th through Oct, 7th then to a snowmobile grass drag in Tilton, NH. At these venues we will be […]